Monday 19 May 2008

I bid you - g'nite

I am just like that in the evenings, too!


Anonymous said...

Well I hardly think 'Genesis Machines' by Richard Amos is an appropriate bedtime story...

Anonymous said...

Very good, what a cute pic :-)

Anonymous said...

I was going to ask.. what kind of stories do you like before bed?

Btw.. I am like this little kitten too..

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not these wretched cats here too. You can tell I'm not a cat person. Sorry H of D.

Anonymous said...

Crushed, you can tell me anything! :D

nunyaa good is relative. I usually kick and scream to get my way, so... :)

Well, kimba, most often I do crossword puzzles before bed, but once in a while I love a good criminal comedy, like the ones by Chimelewska, or in worse cases, Evanovich!

No worries, jmb, you're a dog person, and that's cool. My doberman would side with you... :P

Anonymous said...

You're not alone in this, Crushed!

Anonymous said...

Oh, me too...! But I like having the lights out... and water should be left by my bedside... but hugs and a story are always wanting *although I don't always dare to ask for 'em*

Anonymous said...

~eve~ you get what you ask for, so never hessitate in asking!

Anonymous said...

Heart- How about the Chronicles of Narnia?
Always liked that.

Or The Hobbit?

Welshcakes- I'm afraid a cup of tea, a couple of crumpets and a fag is what I have before I turn in.