Courtesy of Judd Corizan
Fill in your favorite for each of the following:
1. Political show: The Week in Politics with Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo and Diane Abbot.
2. Picnic food: I haven't been on any lately.
3. Mixed drink: Double Jamesons and Coke.
4. U.S. President: Let's invest that honour in the one we're about to see!
5. Kind of student to teach: Those that can do....
6. Hobby you do or wish you still did: Paintballing. Used to love that.
7. Sports commentator: Has to be John Motson!
8. Sport to watch on TV: I only watch one, football.
9. Animal to have as a pet: Dog. Obviously.
10. Halloween costume you have worn: Never worn one.
11. Kind of dessert: Chocolate eclairs are good.
12. Comic strip: Asterix.
13. Ice cream flavor: Strawberry.
14. News source: Pub gossip. And blogs.
15. Vacation spot: Pool. In pubs.
16. Wine: I don't drink it.
17. Way to waste time instead of working: Flirting with female staff.
18. Reality show: Don't watch them.
19. Childrens movie: Krull.
20. Celebrity you wish would retire: Jennifer Lopez.
A lot there I kind of opted out on...
Oh well.
Better than making up answers, I guess...
Pot Noodle Original
Pot Noodle Spicey Curry
Pot Noodle Bombay Bad
Is that enough of a list ?
Yep, better they were short and sweet than made up!! :)
Poor JLo might as well be retired. Great answers!
E-K- You- er- seem to like Pot Noodles.
I actually don't like them much.
Kate- I thought so.
I actually find selecting music the fun part. I think it's more of a challenge for something like this. With ordinary posts, I kind of have an idea much easier.
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