I think I've finally come to terms with what happened to me in 2007.
And yes, it all has to with 'them'. The Illuminati.
I've been reading a lot of conspiracy theory stuff of late. Most of it is barking mad, BUT. But there is a grain of truth in it. There really are an 'Illuminati' shaping world events. They invented Communism. They are the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, the Milner set, etc. And their aims are exactly what these conspiracy theorists say they are.
With one small difference. They aren't a co-ordinated group. They aren't working together. I estimate that about two percent of the world's population are 'Illuminati'. Only no one who is Illuminati knows they are Illuminati. Because most Illuminati are just ordinary people.
One realises this when one reads these people. Gary Allen's 'None Dare Call it a Conspiracy'. Charlotte Iserbyt's 'The Dumbing Down of America'. And, if you really want to read a total nutcase, try Christopher Story's 'The New Underworld Order'.
I realise, reading these people that what they say is true. Of course it is. Do you know how I know?
Because I myself have long been an advocate of introducing classical Watsonian behaviouralist conditiong to early education of children. I agree wholeheartedly with it for exactly the reasons 'they' allegedly do it. I think WE should do it. For exactly the reasons Charlotte Iserbyt does not.
Because when I read the Introduction of Christopher's Story 'European Collective', I realise that 'Of Course. That's what it's all about. That is what WE, sorry 'They' are doing and why.
Because the way these people accuse the Illuminati of thinking and what they want to achieve, well, I want to achieve that.
The point would seem to be this.
Illuminism IS a way of thinking. It would seem to be the case that most intelligent intellectuals probably think in similar ways. Most seek to lead the people to Utopia but know this has to be done covertly so as not to alarm the people. It is a case of the intelligentsia trying to find a way to tame the masses so the intelligentsia can govern them.
And that, all intelligentsia concede, is easier said than done. Getting there is a long journey, however way round you do it. Because it means we have to use NON intelligentsia to get there. Worse. We have to use testosterone driven psychopaths. And how do we dispense with them when they've served their purpose? How does the intelligentsia impose their New World Order.
The New World Order is a dream. Has been since 1786. And out there are many different 'them' trying to build theirs. They aren't all part of a group called 'The Illuminati.' Everyone out there who wants to build one, who believes in their heart of hearts that the masses are children and need to be parented by a paternalist intellectual elite is an Illuminist.
And I am one of those people. I believe in a paternalist socialist system. I believe in a New World Order.
So in a sense, much of James Higham's allegations are true. From a crazy John Birch Society view, he is right.
I was seeking to do exactly what he accused me of.
The thing is....
WE, the Illuminati, are RIGHT.
I set this blog to teach people to think how 'they' think. So that people could BECOME Illuminati.
And sadly, I couldn't teach Ubermouth. I just couldn't get her to understand that her emotions weren't real and that only by denying emotions can you ever be enlightened.
Because ultimately, it is that that makes the Illuminati the Illuminati. That is what makes them BETTER people. The fact they deny the reality of emotions.
The Illuminati aren't the bad guys. WE are the GOOD guys.
Monday 14 September 2015
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