Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Temporary Interlude

I'm on a temporary hiatus...

It is kind of related to the current economic situation. Specifically production and distribution of resources on a micro-economic scale.

As in- er- my economy...

The one that consists of me...

It should hopefully be rectified, though since it also entails a black hole, not quite on the scale of the black hole in the British economy, but proportionally similar, it may be a week or two.

I will be back as soon as I possibly can. That can be taken as a promise.


Gledwood said...

do you mean you've gone off "on yer bike" in search of a job?? that's what Tory party activists always parped out at early 80s miners' strike meetings

Electro-Kevin said...

Good luck. These black holes are appearing everywhere.

Anonymous said...

take care crushie and be back soon!

Moggs Tigerpaw said...

Hey Crushed, Did you ever consider doing some free-lance journalism to supplement the household income?

You do seem to enjoy/have a talent for writing, provided you can avoid going on a bit too much. ^_^

Why not post off a couple of pieces?

Anonymous said...

I patiently wait....


X. Dell said...

Dude, I could loan five quid, and that's about it. Best to you.

Nunyaa said...

And here I was thinking you was snobbing me lol, see you when you get back :)

Chris Benjamin said...

ugh, work. hope you can slog through it pretty quickly and get back to what matters! miss you already.

Anonymous said...

I have been back about ten times to check.. but still no sign. I hope you will be back soon.

Moggs Tigerpaw said...

Just to remind you. Your two weeks are just about up ^_^

gnataes said...

Ah. So that's what's happened. Good luck.

Crushed said...

Thanks for the comments :)

I won't be long now, I promise :)

Just so you know, I haven't been idle and have also been spending some quality time with the baby.

Reeny's Ramblin' said...

Hellooooooooo? Nuthin but an echo:(

Anonymous said...

You could sell the baby on ebay?