I am fast approaching my ideal weight. Key words- MY ideal weight, the weight I was in what I consider to have been my heyday...
This has largely been acheived by not drinking such huge volumes of beer- this tended to counteract my sparse eating habits and keep me up in the 11.5 stone mark (160 pounds approx).
Anyway, right now, I'm just over 10 stone. 142 Pounds, or, for readers used to metric, 64 Kilograms.
Just half a stone to go before I once more reach the waif-like physique of my early twenties- if I can get back down to 130 pounds, I'll be overjoyed...
Dizzy doesn't think I should lose any more, or I might blow away with a strong wind. The funny thing is, I almost WAS blown away by a strong gust the other day. The high buildings along the Hagley Road create a wind tunnel affect near Five Ways Island, and the other day, I really was struggling to keep my feet on the ground.
But it has been something that's cheered me up, certainly, of late. Not everything's been that marvellous recently, but the thought that I can push my weight in stone back into single figures buoys me no end. How many men can do that?
You should probably still eat though....
The last time I weighed 10 stone I was 15.
You seem to be doing better than me... I am not doing to well at getting back to where I want to!!!
Oestrebunny- I do eat! Tonight I had one of those noodle in a mug things.
I'm not sure what I weight at 15. I think I hovered at the nine-ten stone mark up until uni, when heavy drinking put me up to 11.5. Then I lost it again with the clubbing routine.
CherryPie- Yes, I'm even starting to think that maybe I'm not so past it after all. Think I need to go out and treat myself to a new wardrobe.:)
You are making me think I am past it ;-)
Go get yourself a new wardrobe, you will enjoy :-)
Noodles? You remind me of someone else I know. How tall are you ? Yeah what is your secret Crushed, you should sell it lol .
Noodles in a cup are not eating!
CherryPie- I need to.
Firstly, I LOSE clothes like nobody's business. Reason why, is when I go away, I change clothes several tims over the weekend, loan shirts to others, leave them behind, etc.
Secondly I ruined my best black casual jacket by leaning on some paint.
Well, from your pic, I'd see you you're CERTAINLY NOT past it! ;)
Nunyaa- 5ft7. But I'm quite finely formed generally. If I was a woman, you'd describe me as petite. Think Elijah Wood with permastubble. Frodo is one of the nicknames people use for me.
Oestrebunny- They ARE eating. OK, maybe not the biggest meal in the world, but it filled me up. Remember, I don't usually eat big meals. If anything, I'm more of a grazer.
10 stone is a very low weight i can never remember weighing that little..lol
low weight does not always mean fit and healty :-)
Reminds me of the old saying, "All good things come in small packages"...Crushed have a steak and veges lol.
P.S....those guys in the pics, have no chest or tummy hair, not my type lol.
Actually at 142 lbs you are at an ideal weight for your height right now. With a small frame you could maybe subtract a few pounds but at 130 that is too light. Lots of charts and calculators come up if you google ideal weight for men.
When you were in your late teens and early twenties you were still growing as men mature physically much later than women so don't think your weight as a teenager is a good guide.
Beer is deadly for adding unnecessary weight and noodles in a mug are so salty they are not healthy eating either.
Lecture over, sorry.
The last time I was 64kg was when I was 20 and just got back from living in Melbourne on my own. I used to eat cereal for dinner.
I like men with a bit of beef on them eh!! Keep it on Crushed, waif is so 90's. :)
10 stones *whistles*
I think everyone else has already said what needs to be said: noodles & beer, not a good combination...
The most important thing to remember is that we all come in different shapes & sizes, we cant all be the same - and thats what so good. As long as you are healthy, all is well.
Anyway, well done cbi & good luck going down to your ideal weight (even if it sounds a tad extreme!) :p
Yup, I can imagine how uplifting this thought must be for you; when I weigh myself in the mornings and find myself heavier, it tends to spoil my day a bit ;-)
Thanks :-)
Sally- Well, I think I'm REASONABLY healthy...
I rarely get ill, anyway.
Nunyaa- Chance would be a fine thing. time is often the issue- I really don't have the time to spend on complex food preparation.
Well, I have decidedly an excess. I'm living proof we are related to apes...
jmb- Well, I always used to be on the more slender side.
Actually, in some senses I was an early developer- I started shaving at thirteen and could get served in a pub at sixteen, in spite of my size. I've not changed much in appearance since about eighteen, except the odd line here and there. And of course the bags under the eyes.
Yes, it does't seem to matter how little you eat, four pints every other night really does counteract the best intentions.
Kate- Crunchy Nut cornflakes? I did that as a student, sometimes. Can't beat them.
You think there is no place for the waif look? I can't quite ever see myself as the bodybuilding type. Just doesn't seem to fit.
Crashie- Hey, I'm having something more substantial tonight...
I don't know if it's extreme. I actually don't mind looking at my side profile in the mirror right now. I can get into a 30 inch waist now, which is good.
Eve- I know JUST what you mean. And you do FEEL lighter, you really do. I know its partly psychological, bit I really do FEEL feathery.
CherryPIe- Don't mention it :)
What jmb said is right on, I'm 5'7" and in high school I weighed 142lbs, and it felt right. The highest I ever got was 244lbs, and last year I knocked off 64lbs in 5 months. Now i'm 178 and working on getting down to 160...
Good on you crushed to know what feels right for you.
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