Monday 16 April 2007

Don't worry. I'm going nowhere.

Hi folks.
Unfortunately I am going to have to take a short break. I am hoping it will not be for long. I will still be keeping up with what's going on, but comments may be infrequent for a few days.
Don't think I've gone into hibernation or anything.

This short break will be followed by a flurry of blogging activity. There are many people in Blogpower who I need to introduce myself to, which I will be doing. There are also several others of you who need adding to my blogroll, and don't worry, you will be.

I won't be away long and will pop by and see some of you when I can.

Just a thought I want to leave you all with.

All of us here have managed to set up and run blogs, so we're none of us idiots. We all come here for different reasons, but one of them I guess, is we all like intelligent conversation and civilised debate and we don't find as much of that out there as we'd like.

Deep down I think all of us care very much about what we believe.

I think here we have a wonderful opportunity for civilised, thinking people to talk about what we all want for the future of our species.

We won't all agree, but it's good to share points of view. I certainly count all of you as friends whose opinions I want to hear.

Before you comment, can all of you do me one last favour. Go and visit one of my new friends, Central News (see Blogroll) and say hello. As I'm sure you understand, I don't share all his views. But I share his love of free speech and debate. And that's why we're all here.

Love you all.
See you in a bit.


Anonymous said...

We'll be waiting. I'm sure Wayne would smile at this post, remembering our little Blogpower issue.

Anonymous said...

Rage, rage at the dying of the light...

Anonymous said...

Yo, Bro - 'smee !

I'm sooo excited about my new profile I thought I'd show it off.

See you soon.

Anonymous said...

hmm where you going then?