One of the hardest truths to face as human beings, is that the leading motor that drives us- especially those of us of the male sex- is not in fact, the desire for Love at all.
It is the desire for power.
We try to downplay it, we try to hide from it.
We are uncomfortable with it.
But is nevertheless true.
The two novels which fascinate me most have always fascinated for the same reason- they are about power. It truly is the most fascinating of human dynamics, the most alluring of drugs, the only one TRULY, we would ALL sell our own grandmothers for, whatever we pretend.
When I was a student I often used to ask the question of people;
'If you were one of the nine mortal men, who Sauron offered a ring of power too, would you take it?'
Most said 'Yes', but not if they knew they would end up as ringwraiths.
You see, I used to look inside myself and face that nagging doubt, I would take one even knowing those consequences.
That is the allure of power. The old myths of people selling their souls to the devil for unlimited power captivate for that reason- it is the only temptation we would face eternal damnation for.
Which is why so many have.
It corrupts, like nothing else can.
1984 shocked me on first reading as a student. It was the passage where O'Brien asks Winston WHY the party tortures people and makes them suffer.
He reveals the hard fact; power is a nerve. You only feel it's true strength when people obey, not because they want to, or because it helps them, but because you really are that powerful. The Euphoria of the exercise is in its completeness.
It shocked me a bit- not because I didn't deep down know that- but because it was so baldly stated.
As a political activist at the time, I realised I actually didn't give a damn about my party's policies.
I just wanted a path to exercise power over others.
There is a simple proof that Power is sought more than Love by looking at what people want from recreational drugs.
Ecstasy and Cocaine are not physically addictive- it is the sensations they replicate that people seek.
Ecstasy replicates the feeling of Love.
Cocaine replicates the feeling of Power.
Ecstasy is dirt cheap. Cocaine is relatively, the most expensive drug there is.
Of course. The human race has vast untapped reserves of Love to give. Potentially, its limitless. It's just we waste it. It's not hard to find if we look.
We can all love and be loved many times over.
Power is different. It's not reciprocal. Those exercising it MUST of necessity be outnumbered by those they are exercising it over. That's how it works. To feel more love, you just have to love more. To feel more power, you have to increase the number of people who feel your power and the intensity to which you subject them to it.
If we are honest, most of us hide it well. But nevertheless, we do it.
Why do I work in Sales?
It doesn't ACTUALLY pay THAT well, it's hardly satisfying from a point of view of feeling useful.

The thrill of the kill, I always say.
Or, put bluntly, I enjoy the victory. It's a harmless way to gain that sense of empowerment in the grand scheme of things. Someone's got to do the job, but that's really what motivates most good sales people.
You live for the instant of capitulation, the huge rush that soars through you when you KNOW you have won.
It is the instinct of the panther sinking claws into his prey.
That's how most social dynamics really works. It's pretty much all a game of oneupmanship, pretty much about body language, a lilting voice and a nice smile, as you covertly flash your eyes.
It's the eyes that are the key, of course. Being able to look direct into someone's pupils and hold them till the other person looks away, gives you the edge.
On a social level, societies have always naturally formed themselves into pyramid structures. There's a good reason why it works. The main one is that the biggest incentive to get people to contribute is to reward them with power- it's what the most driven, the most energetic, the most dynamic secretly crave.
It's why most societies, unless huge checks and balances are put in place gravitate slowly towards autocracy, needing the occasional disruption to overthrow an ossified tyranny.
Those who have power will always seize upon a good excuse to accrue more, whilst ignoring a good excuse to lose some.
The world is strewn with monuments, the pyramids, the Taj Mahal, Buckingham Palace, etc, which exist simply to say 'Look at my power, look what I can make people make for me'.
Society exists, simply so those with most creativity can gain their craving.
Yes, that really is true.
That is what makes us human.
It is the unique combination of the predatory monkey.
It is the vicious hierarchy of the ape, with the instincts of the hunter attached.
For without it, communication and co-operation could never have happened.
Alpha Male drove it.

Our ancestors survived and bonded because some compelled others to obey.
Not always through physical force, through the force of eye contact, through the imposition of will.
The art of the extrovert, the compulsive communicator.
For the Artist, the Poet, the Author, the Inventor, the Philosopher, all ultimately strive in their own ways to influence the minds of others, to bring others to their line of thought.
It even drives the saints.
The seeker for knowledge seeks it, for one reason and one alone.
Knowledge is power.
No matter how many revolutions we have, even when we no longer have property, when we have the society that one day I hope we will, there always be elites.
For some will always walk into a room and gravitate to the centre, will be remembered by all they meet, well thought of, respected and generally liked.
And others will gravitate to the sides.
This dynamic binds us, it binds our culture. There are natural born leaders and natural born followers.
It is how we deal with this conundrum in a way that people don't get hurt that may be the greatest riddle of our history.
Power is intoxicating and causes delusions of grandeur. It gives us what we think we want and leaves us disappointed in the end. I have seen people in such positions alienate everyone they once held dear. It's sad really because they are burning their bridges for a little bit of superficial ecstasy.
What kind of salesman are you? Used cars. Snake oil? Toner? Vacuum cleaners? ;D
I am glad that love is still free.
For once I agree with you. I am a born leader of course, I am head of the Office Tea-Money collection and I am the only one who bothers to collect the lottery circle entries... and ... and ... I was a milk monitor at school.
Why do you think men want power, in general, more than women, Crushed? I'm not sure it's entirely true that they do: look at societies where a wife waits all her life to have some power and acquires it only over the daughter-in-law when her son marries; for this she has waited all her life and then she uses this power.
Most people do crave some degree of power, I agree - it's when you can give it up and see it for what it is that you become your true self.
Great post.
Power is corrupt. I say anarchy is the way to go! Chaos is revolutionary! LOL Seriously though, I have seen people turned so ugly from too much power. Especially little short men. They love to be in power and lord it over the other less powerful. I laugh to see little men in uniforms like police or security officers. Well, only if they are not harassing me!
Alexys- It is intoxicating, addictive exactly like the ring.
Yes, ultimately it's addicts DO find themselves well truly alone, I think.
But by that point they are past caring.
I work in a specialised area of marketing.
Yes, it is good Love is free.
But Love can hurt too.
Mutley- You are definitely a born leader.
Poody- I think most of thee little Hitlers were bullied at school, seriously.
People with real charisma tend to use their natural power in nicer ways.
I think powwr structures as a whole ARE something we can move beyond.
Welshcakes- I think men desire power, because it is instinct in men. The desire to lead the pack. Look at dogs.
I think the trick is to find positive drives for these urges. Many do and they are the ones who truly acheive.
If the urge CAN truly be tuned into a dynamic of love, it CAN change the world positively.
Sean- A little dark, perhaps, but ulitimately crrect, I think.
> Or, put bluntly, I enjoy the victory. It's a harmless way to gain that sense of empowerment in the grand scheme of things. Someone's got to do the job, but that's really what motivates most good sales people.
Wowww... you know, CBI, my idea of hell is having to reach a quota of stuff sold every day... so it's pretty good that you're so good at what you do... :-)
It's really difficult to argue against this kind of transactional analysis of human relationships. You certainly can look at the world as a matrix of power relationships but you'll get depressed real quick. Couple of points, I doubt very much that the alpha male had much to do with inventing or furthering communication since he could just take without speaking, I imagine it was the alpha females who understood the necessity for community and secondly, "Our ancestors survived and bonded because some compelled others to obey." With this I have to absolutely disagree. Our ancestors survived because they could communicate and create communities based on the whole being more than the sum of its parts. The exercise of power is always detrimental to the survival of the community.
I never really believed that love was any kind of drive for people in general. I would be more inclined to think that it was our basest instincts that drove us. That is to eat, find shelter and procreate. Love, to me, is an ideal most people seek. We are driven by our needs and it would seem that love is secondary.
It was always about power. Once your primary needs have been satisfied you need to find a way to make sure that that never changes. The more powerful you are, the less likely it is someone is going to take all that away from you.
It should be considered, however, that although you may have power over however many people. It only takes one person to take it all away.
It is a precarious founation to build upon and it gets even shakier at the top.
Well Insoc, You have clearly thought about the matter at some length. I do agree that power can corrupt. I am not convinced it always does.
Never-the-less it is a very good reason that those who offer themselves up for high office (most politicians) should never be allowed to hold it.
For I suspect power is like a drug and those that are susceptible to being hooked on it, those who crave power, are the last ones who should ever have to actually deal with it.
We should never, ever, trust those in power and always watch their every move.
Those we give power should be those who really don’t want it, who can happily walk away from it - and it should always be on loan.
Many of those in parliament should never have been allowed into the place…
In personal situations I wonder if those who seek and enjoy welding power over others are, either trying to put himself, or herself, in a position where they are safe from others power, or lack confidence that power makes up for.
Eve- It doesn't work quite like that in my line, though in some it does. Sales is actually a very different process to the way a lot of people see it. It's actually about opening the client up to what he wants, seeing if what he wants matches anything you can offer, than closing down his reasons not to take it. It's about getting them to give you THEIR vision, then selling their own vision back to them.
Paul- The alpha Male is not necessarily the one with the most muscle- he is the one with the ability to get others to follow him.
The charismatic leader. The one who was able to get people to do what he wanted because the others LIKED him and TRUSTED him. They trusted him, because he looked them in the eye and he had no fear.
These people, for good or for ill, are the ones who co-ordinated our early cultures- not necessarily the most muscular- they knew how to gain the trust and ultimately obedience of these ones too.
Oestrebunny- This is the evolutionary reason that such a dynamic flourishes. Those who are good at getting others to fall in with them, who can use social dynamics to their advantage breed more and pass their communication genes on.
Primarily, it is driven by genes. Men crave power, so as to dimiate their societies- so as to have the rights of the Chief Ape.
Some human cultures have showed this clearly- Oriental harems for example.
Phil- No power doesn't ALWAYS corrupt.
However, I actually disagree that you should only give power to those who never seek it. If you don't have natural authority and have no urge to power, you probably have no leadership skills. The two go hand in hand.
The problem now is, we have elected leaders who are not really leadership material. I always used to think watching Blair being interviewed that he hardly looked the type to face anyone down. When prospective Labour donors came to negotiate terms for giving the party money- as in perpetuating their power (buying the government, let's be honest), I can't see him being a tough negotiator.
People in high office should be natural born leaders, or we aren't actually safe, because they will be prey to natural leaders NOT in elected office who will play them.
We actually need our leaders to be power obsessed driven people- human society works better that way. We just need huge controls over them- to prevent leaders developing power structures.
We need to find ways to harness this dynamic.
These people can be Jesus, or they can be Hitler.
You've made me think with your analogies relative to X and coke . . .
Interesting . . .
I don't agree with you Crushed. I think for a percentage of people its all about power.
I don't agree with you about Charisma either. Much of it comes from some deep damage. People who want to charm and control others generally have a sad and limited internal world.
Oceanshaman- Oh, of course- designer drugs are emotions on tap, pure and simple. That's why they appeal to extroverts, they bring them more into life than out of it- unlike narcotics, which appeal to those who want to escape from life.
Lilith- Yes, it is for some people. These though, are usually the type who seek OFFICIAL power.
I don't think ALL charsmatic people are bitter, lonely people.
After all, all charisma really is, is an ability to understand social dynamics and understand exactly how to act in any given situation. It's a skill- the possessors of such a skill aren't devious and don't necessarily want to control people.
They would just find it easier to do so, should they want that.
I think it is true- Desmond Morris- points this out- that, like all survival skills, it is often well developed in those who HAD to develop it when very young.
It IS often true that charismatic people had very lonely childhoods. Obviously, they have had no choice but to develop those skills, because they had to learn early that the only connections they'd ever have were those they formed themselves.
I think Morris is right here- he does also suggest a good reason why such people never settle down- from their first steps there never were people there they could always rely on, they learned to rely on a network of people and they survived by making that network as large as possible- to reduce that to a single person, to them, is a threat to their safety- it becomes dependancy and they have never depended on anyone.
I actually think charismatic people are generally MORE loving than others, its just spread wider. Charismatic people, after all do love PEOPLE, they NEED people, they just don't focus it on specific individuals so much.
I've generally found most of the charismatic people I know to be the sincerest and most genuine people I know, they are definitely the people I most enjoy being around.
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