We the people, being the whole people, the people of this planet, being the entire membership of the species Homo Sapiens do solemnly affirm that it is the birthright of every adult person of sound mind, who has not declared themselves by their actions to be an enemy of the common good, to an equal chance to participate in the present and future development of this species, and an equal say in its destiny.
We the people of this planet, being those alive today, and those whose responsibility it is to determine the future of our species, do assert the common ownership by the species of the entire territory occupied by the said species, of the entirety of the raw materials and resources at our disposal, of the infrastructure our species has created for its survival and advancement and of the fruits created by our combined efforts.
We the people hereby disown distinctions of nationality, of race, of colour, of gender, of belief system or any other dividing factor and unite behind one over-riding loyalty, the loyalty of all to the species Homo Sapiens.
We declare our determination to end distinctions based on a history of geographical separation and commit as a species to the full unification of mankind.

We the people declare ourselves to be the ultimate Executive, Legislature and Judiciary of the species. We reserve the right to decide the rules that should govern us, the distribution of resources, the appointments of positions of authority and the proper scope of such authority.
We firmly commit ourselves to preventing concentrations of power and assuring as wide a distribution of power as is consonant with efficient administration of the infrastructure.
We the people commit ourselves to ensuring that the global infrastructure, created by the labours of the generations, and so vital for the maintenance of a happy life for all, should be developed and maintained with equal care across its territory.
We abhor the current disparities between the infrastructures of different geographical areas.
We the people each commit ourselves to providing an equal share of our intelligence and our labours, to serving the common good. We commit ourselves to work for however long is needed, on a daily basis, not only to ensure that we maintain the system as it stands, but that every day human existence becomes better, human knowledge increases, human technology advances and the prospects of our descendants improve.

We the people do promise that, all social obligations by the individual being fulfilled, a proper share of the combined fruits of the labours of Mankind shall be guaranteed to all. We further guarantee that no limits shall be placed on any individual's wishes to pursue their own routes to happiness, unless it can clearly be demonstrated that the route to happiness chosen by that individual, is detrimental to the community at large.
We the people do firmly agree that, this situation having been achieved, the planet as a whole should be generally disarmed, the only weapons in possession of this species, being missiles pointing outward towards the unknown that lies beyond our globe.
We the people are grown up enough now to make these choices.
Perfect. Where do I sign?
Here Here!
I was going to say has anyone signed this besides you but you do have another signature.
Not in my lifetime and I'm not sure that I would like such a uniform world. What would we strive for?
I don't know Crushed... how bland will life be without the beauty of our differences, do you mean that distinctions will be irrelevant or that we're just going to pretend not to acknowledge our differences? Are the resources really ours or our children's children? Are we the executive, legislative and judiciary of the species or are our children's children? Will detrimental advances of individualism be determined by the majority or the affected party(ies)? I hear your plea, though.
heh, just by writing that crime is going down
Paul- Consider you signature appended in spirit!
Now, just a few billion more...
SS- To the point, I think. We can acheive it.
jmb- It wouldn't be uniform, just united. Diversity would remain, because people are human.
We would strive to advance, progress, build, spread off this planet, face our future.
Helen- There would still be differences, I'd still be going to Mass, others would go to trhe Mosque. But racial diffeences will disappear anyway at some point, unless we are returned to the Stone age by nuclear war. All I'm saying is we should hurry that point along.
We we reserve the ultimate right to decide how our Executive, Legislative and judical functions are excercised.
All alive are part of that process, but yes, it IS partly held in trust for the unborn.
Lord N- The real key to tackling crime is to give everyone a stake. If we se crime as war against society, let's be honest there are many who are justified in fighting.
*wistful sigh*
Can I be President of the World then? It sounds a bit daunting - but what the hell? I am up for it!!
pffft, being a grown up is overrated!
No it's not
Why would we want/encourage racial differences to disappear?
(and don't counter by saying why would we not... that's a totally different argument...)
Princess P- It's up to us all to bring it about.
Mutley- The point is, no power concentrations. No President of the world, no president of large executives.
Separate Executive committees elected to run different things, with limited frames of reference.
Crashie- Sometimes, yes. Except it is great not having to answer to anyone but yourself.
Actually, I think childhood is pretty awful, really.
Jeremy- as you obviously agree.
Helen- They'll disappear eventually anyway, but whilst they remain, they are cause for contention.
We might as well help the process along as fast as we can.
Besides, I think in reality most people find people of other races more attracrive than those of their own, its natural, a search for genes you yourself don't have.
I think we certainly should encourage, rather than discourage mixed race couples- they are making the world a better place.
As Helen said - the differences are the thing. I can't believe you're proposing this Gordon Brown hotch potch of one world Christian/Marxist/Gay/Hetero throw everything in non-family, non-patriotic, PC claptrap.
Everything good that homo sapiens stands for is thrown out here and extremely dangerous One World Church relativism is proposed in its place. This is Maitreya stuff.
Crushed, I've jsut read this again and really and truly, this is seriously fuzzy headed stuff. Now either you're representing one world interests or you haven't looked at the sociological implications of what you propose.
Humans need family, community, one man-one woman loyalty, incentive which comes from not being forced to share with ne'er do well hangers on what they've toiled for [see Chris Dillow's latest post on this].
And there is an innate tribalism which is proud of its local traditions and its nationhood.
Everything in this proposal is what Brown is trying to force on us and look how the sphere is reacting to that.
This is sad.
I guess we can relish our differences and agree to disagree. I for one think the world is a better and more interesting place with multiple races, points of view, religions, differences of opinion, etc.
At all costs, we must remember that that what challenges us causes us to grow. An ordered uniform existence should be anathema to anyone who seeks growth and enlightenment.
"Lord N- The real key to tackling crime is to give everyone a stake. If we se crime as war against society, let's be honest there are many who are justified in fighting."
CBI: that's one seriously asinine statement man. To think that only people that have no stake in society are criminals... what will all the people that actually do have a stake in society and YET become criminals say about this?
Crushed, it's a measure of how interested I am in what you wrote that on Thursday morning, going to work in 30 minutes, I'm in here replying again.
Helen is a sweety and puts it mildly. I put it roughly and I'm sorry for that but it's not you, you understand, it's what was written.
I'm going to post on these things later today because it wouldn't be fair, at this time to explain exactly what is wrong.
I'll quote from but not attribute, if you don't mind.
James- Well, I don't much care for Gordon Brown, but 'Christian/Marxist/Gay/Hetero throw everything in non-family, non-patriotic, PC claptrap'.
I can't see any label in there I object to, as such.
Family, community, yes we do need, but we need to turn those imstincts into a NEW sense of family and community. As for 'one man-one woman loyalty', well, you know I think that's a concept that holds us back.
Tribalism, yes, I'm a blues fan so I get VERY tribal. But that's all it's good far, really. Let's just use it for sport. Otherwise it's dangerous.
I just want us to be a more efficient species, uniting our energy and using it to advance the whole not using it AGAINst eachother and to exploit eachother. That's a waste.
Helen- Oh no, I don't want it otdrered or uniform. I want everyone to be free to follow their own paths to happiness.
Just overthrow these unpleasant and outdated isms and power structures.
If only, Crushed! Sign me up anyway.
Lord N- Sorry your last comment didn't show up this morning, or maybe it did, but I hadn't got caffeine inside me yet.
Not ALL crime is caused by social alienation. But I'd say about 75% is.
Look at our inner cities- we write off about five percent of our potential energy contribution with a handout called the dole, enough to feed you every week, but nothing else. They get NOTHING from our society- we don't even WANT their contribution. What do they owe the rest of us?
Welshcakes- :) I suspected you'd be on side!
Maybe it SHOULD be a real petition...
You really think because we don't GIVE enough to people that don't WORK that they don't owe US something?
About 10yrs ago I came up with something very similar. The United Humans of Earth (UHE).
(Please understand that the below is highly simplified analysis):
There are many, many, MANY issues that palgue this planet. The most severe is that of money. This issue has two fundamental problems:
1) Money is the driving force of humanity. This is an inappropriate motivation for an advanced civilization. I'm also not going to pretend to have a great answer to this problem yet, either. But I am working on it. There's two funadmental underlying driving forces behind money as a motivation, which is Energy and Food. This also isn't any issue that can be changed with a flip of a switch, it will take a transition period. Money, as they say, is the root of all evil. Though, I would estimate it to be more in the range of 80%.
2) Money no longer has any "real" backing. This is a result as to the way banks (in particular, the Federal Reserve) is setup. The Federal Reserve prints money. It then LOANS this money out to other banks and financial institutions AT INTEREST. What does this mean? Well, let's give a simple example. Let's say the Federal prints out 100 $1 notes (and that is all that is in ciruculation) and loans it to Bank X at 1% interest. To pay off the loan, Bank X now must pay back $101. However, how is Bank X going to pay back $101 when there is only $100 in circulation? Obviously, the Federal Reserve must print out more notes...which they loan out at interest and the vicious cycle continues.
About 10yrs ago I came up with something very similar. The United Humans of Earth (UHE).
(Please understand that the below is highly simplified analysis):
There are many, many, MANY issues that palgue this planet. The most severe is that of money. This issue has two fundamental problems:
1) Money is the driving force of humanity. This is an inappropriate motivation for an advanced civilization. I'm also not going to pretend to have a great answer to this problem yet, either. But I am working on it. There's two funadmental underlying driving forces behind money as a motivation, which is Energy and Food. This also isn't any issue that can be changed with a flip of a switch, it will take a transition period. Money, as they say, is the root of all evil. Though, I would estimate it to be more in the range of 80%.
2) Money no longer has any "real" backing. This is a result as to the way banks (in particular, the Federal Reserve) is setup. The Federal Reserve prints money. It then LOANS this money out to other banks and financial institutions AT INTEREST. What does this mean? Well, let's give a simple example. Let's say the Federal prints out 100 $1 notes (and that is all that is in ciruculation) and loans it to Bank X at 1% interest. To pay off the loan, Bank X now must pay back $101. However, how is Bank X going to pay back $101 when there is only $100 in circulation? Obviously, the Federal Reserve must print out more notes...which they loan out at interest and the vicious cycle continues.
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