I did think it might be close, bearing in mind how traditional people were on the marriage issue.
But it was very conclusive.
22 of you voted to legalise.
9 of you voted against.
This week is all about appropriate ways to thank a great man for all he's done for us.

As you can probably imagine, I'm in a state of mourning.
How will we cope without him.
A void in our national life.
Anyway, on the right are a few ideas of how to best reward the man we have come to see as the father of our people.
Which does he truly deserve?
Have your say.
The latest polls show Labour have a 4 point lead. Not sure about Caroline Spelman as new Conservative Chairman, she is not very sparky.
It's strange, it took so long for him to leave, and now he has, I couldn't care less anymore.
I think he's hot! But that is just part of my fantasty of sleeping with him and Bush at the same time! If y'all paid me enough, I could murder them after i am done!
I vote to send him as an envoy to the part of the world he helped screw up. Maybe by him seeing war up close, the death, destruction and battle scars of the victims, he'll remember that he is partially responsible for taking lives.
The further away he is though the less he can snipe at Brown.
Ellee- Cameron has managed to blow a rather large amount of public goodwill towards him.
If the Tories can't win the next election, can they ever win one again?
David- I know the feeling. Doesn't really feel anything momentous has happened.
Jenny- Without a shadow of a doubt, that has got to be a very uncommon fantasy.
The murder bit seems a little unnecessary now Blair has finally sodded off. But why not?
Alexys- You'd think so.
But here's the best bit- that's EXACTLY what he IS going off to do.
Middle East Envoy.
Is it a sick joke or what?
CityUn- This is true.
Why didn't they think of Special Envoy to the Inuit peoples
and btw, Jenny; you can get into real trouble for joking like that about killing a President of the US (not sure about Blair though); careful
You had 9 people vote against legalization and 4 people get high and vote multiple times... what's that tell you /sarc
Your choices aren't good ones in that they assume that the voters thinks that Blair had anything to do with something that began in the 700's and reheated in 1948 or so.
I don't think I'm qualified to say, since I'm an American. I'll defer to your judgment, CBI.
Also, Jenny, LN is right, the FBI is really touchy about that sort of thing here, absurd as it seems. I wouldn't even joke about it.
I can't comment. Because I love a fair way away.
in my eyes, it's a bittersweet departure. crazy about the envoy!
Lord N- I didn't propose the envoy thing. It's what he's off to do. I think it's a bad joke.
Blair the Diplomat. Blair the Peacemaker.
What's worse he's still representing us somehow.
Ruthie- He probably won't get indicted as a war criminal, but he may still get dragged down for the peerage selling affair. Here's hoping.
Phish- Excuses, excuses. Just vote for indicting him.
Raffi- Sweet because Blair has gone, bitter because we still have Brown. Tell me about it.
Unfairly influencing the polls?
Buy his book. I'm a closet-writer, that would be the best you could do for me - and I tend to judge considering myself toe epicenter of the universe... :D
It seems he is already history.
The murder would be unnecessary and I don't have the balls for that!
I am with David, I used to care - now I do not mind if I never hear from him again...
Phish- Exactly. Completely in tune with Blair's policies.
Heart- Thing is I like your writing, so I'd buy your book. Don't much like Blair, so it's different.
Ellee- One of those dark chapters in history. Like the conquistadors, the inquisition, Cromwell.
I agree.
Jenny- That sounds sensible. Anyway, you have better things to do. The zoo for instance.
Mutley- I'm sure we'll get to hear his 'Look, people say...' at sproadic intervals.
I will look forward to such moments.
Now I just voted and in the process, noticed that someone [someone!!!] had voted for the first choice!!! Had to be Welshcakes.
I vote to indict him and his Bush bud.Hard choice as I do find that he is extremely hot and a great talker but he can't walk the walk so sacrifices must be made.
I would do him first...then let the bastard hang.
I think Tiny Blair is nice looking for a suit! But his running buddies leave a lotto be desired! he and Bush were much too chummy for me! Now if we can only live long enough to get his sorry ass out of office!
Lord Nazh, Ruthie, you both are treating Jenny's remark as no laughing matter. I'm aghast. When did they repeal the first amendment?
Eh, happy July 4!
No no, I prefer human penis, thank you!
James- I think he should pay for his peerage like everyone else. I'm sure you voted sensibly.
The Ego- I suppose it woulld depend where he was tried, but sems fair.
Poody- The question is who you get next. To be fair to Bush, he was never up against great opponents.
Ian- Not sure it covers conspiracies to assasinate Presidents.
Jenny- That's a relief. Though it possibly puzzles the other commenters...
If he can't take a joke, he shouldn't have joined...
Well. I voted "war criminal". I do enjoy your polls, Crushed.
Ian: the first amendment does not and has never concerned the assasination of a President (I realize she isn't serious, I'm just answering your question)
" Lord N- I didn't propose the envoy thing. It's what he's off to do. I think it's a bad joke.
Blair the Diplomat. Blair the Peacemaker.
What's worse he's still representing us somehow. "
That's not ALL your choice says however.
You'd buy my book... in theory? But apparently not in practice... LOL
Don't buy it, it's chicklit, you might get the cooties! ;)
Ian- American humour is different, I guess. Dry Wit and the Surreal seem to be to fairly recent over there. Interestingly, the last PM to be assassinated was in 1812, the otherwise conmpletely irrelevant Spenser Percival.
Welshcakes- It's unfortunate that the powers that be don't. If we could but implement the results...
Mutley as PM, Blair in gaol, cannabis legal; What a country!
Lord N- As I said, It's not what I want. I think it's a disgrace. It's what he's getting.
My view on Iraq in the first place was simple. I never thought it had anything to do with the War on Terror. The Ba'Ath Arab Socialist Party was quite clearly an unlikely ally for Bin Laden. I could see hat it was about.
I reserved judgement to see if they'd pull it off.
They didn't.
Sending Blair is hardly going to ease tensions.
Heart- Never yet read chicklit. I could do you a deal, I'll read yours, you read mine if I ever finish.
Since I never will, I think you get a good deal.
Lord Nazh, my point was I thought the First Amendment covered inter alia freedom of expression, or is there a clause specifically excluding jokes about assassinating presidents?
Conspiracies to actually do it, I grant you, are a different thing. I expect that's covered under freedom of assembly ;)
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