Baby is here.
Baby was born this morning. Don't ask me how much it weighed, I don't know.
Baby is a girl. Baby HAS been named, I know some of you will be aware this subject has been the topic of debate.
If the baby had been a boy, then there would have been a problem. No consensus at all on that subject.
But the fact it is a girl, has made things easier- there was more agreement there. So Baby has names.
I'm dead chuffed! :)
Baby is six pounds thirteen. That surprises me, Baby being ten days overdue. I was FIVE pounds, and I was a miscarriage that somehow survived...
Yes, some of you already know Baby's name.
Baby carries the middle name I selected as a first name. Baby has an Irish first name too, so I can't complain.
Before new readers might get prickly backs about the deference in name choice shown to me, let me just say, this is MORE than JUST a niece.
Some would say, not even my niece.
Do I share genes with this new life? None.
Is it my niece? Of course.
Is her father my BROTHER?
Of course he is.
Is her mother my SISTER?
Of course she is.
She's my niece. And my god-daughter. And I love that baby to bits.
Fragile like paper.
Tiny, soft, vulnerable. D's face, but what we can see of the hair tells us, The Baker will prove his paternity in her hair.
The Baker and I have just had a few celebration beers. It's just hit him. And to tell you the truth, I'm glad it has. The man is a proud father. I see the tears in his eyes, he loves his daughter.
And so do I.
I already love my adopted niece, love her to bits.
Update Update: Babies are the best things ever. My niece is amazing.
OMG! Congrats crushed, to the proud mother, father, family & uncle crushed :D
Aww! congratulations to everyone :-)
so pleased for you all hope mum and baby are well :-)
Excited much..??? Beautiful news to hear Crushie!!! She's a lucky little one to have you looking out for her.
Thanks goodness. Congratulations to you Uncle Crushed and the two lucky parents.
You have all started out on an amazing journey, full of wonder. May she always bring love and joy into your lives.
Uplifting :-) Congrats; I can feel your happiness :-)
Thanks for the comments, I'll respond properly later.:)
Yes, I'm still dead chuffed- as are we all.
We celebrated heavily last night. :)
Brilliant news! I know what you mean about loving her already.. a tiny stranger has taken over part of your life. And nothing will ever be the same again.
Congrats mate ^-^
May she be the guiding light to a brighter future.
Crashie- You know it's real when you're sitting in the pub discussing things like potty training...
Yes, we wwere discussing HOW you set about it.
CherryPie- Well, D had the hard task. She actually came out pretty sharpish when she DID turn up.
Sally- She's being kept in at the moment. Apparently the weights don't match, she lost more weight during the birth than can be explained by maths.
Kimba- Well believe it or not, I've become really broody. I think everyone at work is sick of hearing about the baby.
I'm still a bit frightened about the idea of actually holding it though. At this stage, if you don't support them properly, you can seriously damage them. I actually didn't know until yesterday, but at this stage a baby's neck ligaments can't support it's head unaided.
jmb- We were going through all the steps yesterday in the pub. The Baker has finally taken it in.
Yes, life has changed, but in a good way.
Apparently the names were still being discussed DURING labour...:)
Eve- It's one of those times you find yourself stepping back and thinking. Humbling, but also life-affirming.
Mutley- No, it won't. But I think it's at times like this, you feel that life really DOES have purpose.
And I guess I can always treasure the fact that when she asks how her parents met, the answer will be 'Through Uncle Crushed' :)
David- I hope so, I think it marks such a positive change in direction.
And I know they'll make excellent parents.
Congratulations to all!
Congratulations Crushed to D, her partner and yourself on becoming parents and an Uncle.:-)
Late to the party, but congrats crushed!
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