Here is the daughter of my former flatmate.
My niece.
Just thought I'd show her to you all again.
The fact I got to help choose the names she carries is a remarkable testament to the friendship I have with BOTH parents.
Holding her in my arms just after she was born was a very proud moment for me.
If this looks like it was posted in response to something, it was.
It's all the response I need to show really, isn't it?
And now, I bid adieu to a whole epoch in the history of this blog.
I bid goodbye to a whole blogging mindset that must end, and must end now.
It's time now for me to trust in you.
All of you.
And I do.
Good Night and God Bless.
Tomorrow is the start of something new.
Such a cutie there.
She's a lovely baby! and I think you are on the right track.
Fusion- She is. I get nagged by D to go round and see here more. I probably should spend more time with her than I do, especially since it's not easy for her father to spend time with her. She's growing fast, actually.
Kate- I think so.
I think most people get the picture :)
Stunning little one. It is funny she will put everything into perspective...
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