The event sounds like it is going to be a worthwhile event that deserves publicity.
Indeed someone has spent a good deal of effort making sure this event is a success.
But I thought it would be fair to give you an idea of another splendid use of your time as well.
Either choice is worthwhile.
First up, we have the Creation Evidences Museum, Glen Rose, Texas.
A visit to this place will firmly convince you that evolution NEVER HAPPENED.
No, really. Scientists just made it up.
Let me show you some of the proofs on display...

First, we have these obviously human footprints found in Cretaceous rock by the Paluxy river. Human footprints from the time of dinosaurs. No really, they are human. It's only those sneaky evolutionists who say they are actually just dinosaur footprints.
Look CLOSER. Can't you see how HUMAN they are?

This one, the Burdick print definitely looks human, doesn't it. These nasty scientists say it's not actually a fossil, it's a carving, but Carl Baugh has evidence to prove it is genuine. Well actually, he doesn't as such, but just take his word on it, it's a fossil.
Best of all though, is the London artifact, proof that evolution never happened...

This was found in Cretaceaous rock apparently, or near it. It LOOKS just like a miner's hammer that might just have fallen down a crevice, but...
Well, if you want a laugh, go and look.
Otherwise, you can come to the Blogpower Awards on Sunday at 1.00 PM, held at Tom Paine's luxury home in Second Life.
A lot of prestigous bloggers will be there.
You can see the lovely Ruthie...

The highly suspicious Bag...

And everyone's favorite, Delicolor...

It promises to be quite an event.
I may see you there myself, I can't promise anything yet, but I'm sure all who attend will have a good time. I think from what I gather, that James Higham aside, everyone will be there who needs to be there.
But the more that can come and show support for this the better.
So promise me this, friends. Promise to visit either Carl Baugh's Creation Evidences Museum, or go to the Blogpower Awards.
Or go to both.
But it will have been a wasted weekend if you do neither.
one's favourite?
Flattery will get you everywhere...
Everyone's, should have been in the last post.
i always thought humans and dinosaurs inhabited the earth at the same time, but with urban sprawl and all, dinosaurs got pushed out and fell off the edge of the earth. oh, btw, there's my sledge hammer.
I shall attempt to be there - as I am a 8 foot tall raccoon I should stand out... I am wearing BDSM by the way....
Fascinating stuff happening. I thought humans crawled on all fours during that period? Of course, the evidence is unsubstantiated.
So many choices, so little time. What will I do?
Delicolor- I thought such a serene scene with yourself the Edwardian gent could not fail to draw a crowd...
Raffi- You could be right. 'Dr' Baugh thinks so. I'm slightly more swayed to the whole evolution thing, but that's me. You better let him know that's your hammer by the way. He thinks it was left by biblical giants.
Mutley- I shall look out for racoons. Have you been at that wine again?
Alexys- I was under the impression that even prosimians had not yet evolved, but Dr Baugh has such a lot of really convincing evidence, that giant people were around with the dinosaurs. If you really want to know what life was like then, watch the Flintstones film.
Just remember God went round with a shovel and buried all those fake dinosaur bones to test your faith!
I'm going to take your last bit of advice and get wasted this weekend.
that was a pretty useful post. i will have to waste my week end since i CANNOT go to either of 'em.
And thanks for dropping by.i've taken my time and am back.
Evolution never existed? Are you sure?
I'm a creationist but people just laugh when I tell them!!
I will be wasting my weekend! Is trying to procreate at least similar to evolution???
I think anyone who denies Darwinism is delusional.
What do you prefer, Crushed - a snog or a fuck ?
I've started a discussion on my blog.
mjw- These creationists have an even funnier explanation, but it's too ridiculous for me to bother putting it here- you'll have to go see for yourself, it's called 'flood sorting'
JJ- Don't blame me, your choices!!
It is possible to multitask...
Nithya- Hope you have a great weekend anyway!
Gledwood- I'm actually Catholic, but my church accepted evolution over a hundred years ago, hence no catholic creationists.
Evolution actually ties in nicely with our doctrine of free will, whereas it kind of stumps Protestant fundies.
Jenny- It's a necessary part of it. The more you do it, the more you aid in evolution. So yes, girl. Get busy.
E-K- Believe it or not, fucking is one of the good arguments against creation. Bearing in mind that we catch all sorts of nasty VDs, mainly because our urinal tracts is also our reproductive tract, who in their right minds would have designed it that way?
In answer to your question, kev, the offr of a beer was a good idea- I'll pass on your last two offers...
those are some ugly looking toes on the foot in the 2nd picture!
So I wont be wasting my weekend! Yeah!
Oh, do be there, Crushed!
Poody- This is one of things that leads most people to point out it's a carving.
that and the fact that the rock features stop at the depression.
Jenny- It's never a waste of time. Do it for America!
Welshcakes- I'll try. Unfortunately I have the Baker staying this weekend, and he tends to revert to chldhood by Sundays. I'm hoping he'll go off for a drink with my flatmate.
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