Which conspiracy theory, you ask?
To be honest, it doesn't much matter. They're all much the same.
Many of them lift elements from eachother and just change the names.
But the tune remains the same.

Most conspiracy theories have their roots in solid facts somewhere. It's just the connecting lines between the facts that are somewhat tenuous. Often conspiracy theories themselves are joined together by super-conspiracists to create super-conspiracies which, were they to be true would show that a small number of highly intelligent people have been hoodwinking a lot of very stupid people for a very long time.
For example, the observation that the Freemasons are a group of secretive, suspicous types whose reach is long and powerful is accurate.
That the police forces of the UK and other parts of the english speaking world are dominated by masons is indisputable.
That the Masons have a higher eschelon called the Illuminati who maintain the current world order, especially having near perpetual control over the US executive, is something that seems possible when you hear a conspiracy theorist talk, but in fact, is unlikely in the extreme.
Other theories are not just ridiculous, they border on offensive.
The fake Moon landing theory is one such.
The fact that the Russians surely tracked all the Apollo missions closely seems to have escaped the lunatic fringe in this case.
If it was fake, the Russians wouldn't have let them get away with it.
And were the Americans sick enough to fake Apollo 13?
The conspiracy nuts who support this one should be ashamed of themselves.

Then of course, we have the wealth of Alien conspiracy stuff. Sometimes they're just abducting people. For some, the US government is in league with them. For some the Illuminati, who have controlled all governments since Roman times have long been in alliance with extra-terrestial masters.
Oh, and if you really want to delve into theories that are literally out of this world, there's always David Icke.
I think why these sorts of theories make me angry, is what underlies them.
Most are some sort of acknowledgement that something's wrong somewhere, but instead of looking at solutions, they look for spurious explanations.
Instead of realising that millions of people are exploited, simply because that's how the system works, the theorists decide it's designed with that result in mind.
Rather than assuming that those who've found themselves benefitting from our current arrangements simply realise, looking down, that things as they are suit them very nicely, and screw the rest of us, the theorists have them in on a secret passed down within inner circles that were founded long ago in the mists of time.
It comforts. Because if you believe this, then the system is too powerful for you to do anything about. And the enemy who keeps you down is something sinister, maybe not even human, rather than people who think and breathe much like you, who have inherited the reins of a messed up world, but had only a small part in getting it this way.
So at best, conspiracy theories hold us back. They divert our anger and our wish to better the world into a defeatist attempt to invent excuses for it's state.
But there is a dark side. When I compare a lot of UFO literature and conspiracy theory generally I find whole passages which are almost word for word identical to passages in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.
The forgery that sent shock waves across Europe, that made most Germans and Central Europeans- and Henry Ford- believe that the Jews of the World really were out to get the Gentiles.
That was read fervently by a young housepainter in Vienna.
And when Germany lost the War and suffered hyperinflation, it was all too easy for Germans to see one group which still seemed to be doing OK.
And to believe the conspiracy theory.
And to vote accordingly.

Conspiracy Theory is the attempt to blame someone, somewhere in the past for us not living in Eden today.
It is backward, negative thinking, completely unprofitable, because it never proposes real solutions.
It is usually discrimination and hatred hiding itself as a respectable idea.
There are no grey aliens, no illuminati, no elders of Zion.
There ARE unprincipled people who are happy to make use of a system which benefits them, even if it does involve trampling on the rest of us.
Very thought-provoking post. I agree that cospiracy theories often make us lazy but that they can also be much more dangerous than that.
"Most are some sort of acknowledgement that something's wrong somewhere, but instead of looking at solutions, they look for spurious explanations.
Instead of realising that millions of people are exploited, simply because that's how the system works, the theorists decide it's designed with that result in mind."
I couldn't add anything to that... very nicely put.
Enlightening discourse. The Freemason theory has always fascinated me, especially hearing that Prince Charles is one, and I know he does a lot of charity work.
Initially I understand that they formed the fraternity for those with shared "moral and metaphysical ideals," and in most of its branches requires a constitutional declaration of belief in a Supreme Being.
Conspiracy theories do hold us back from discovering the truth for ourselves, but there is so much rhetoric that we often don't know what the truth is.
The only conspiracy I believe is the fact that Humpty Dumpty was pushed! ;D
Is the EU trying to hoodwink us all into becoming citizens of a federal Europe?
Are Euro-sceptics seeing a conspiracy that doesn't exist?
An excellent post. Aside from the fact that I believe Mutley the dog to be a key member of the Bilderberg group, conspiracies rarely occur in public affairs and are not an ingrained feature of international relations (admittedly certain aspects of the EU's activities and specific aspects of modern US foreign policy may arguably fit the conspiratorial bill).
The conspiratorial view assumes that tiny cabals of evildoers/behind-the-scenes leaders are extremely clever, all-powerful and knowledgeable, whereas historical research shows that leaders often make shortsighted or mistaken decisions due to the limits placed on their thinking by their own social backgrounds and institutional roles. In short, conspiracism is not a level of analysis that accurately evaluates the systems, structures and institutions of modern society.
The sheer volume of conspiracy theories about the death of Princess Di, 9/11 and the controlled demolition theory, the murder of President Kennedy inter alia is frankly a bit worrying in what it says about the ability/willingness of people to engage in rational thought...
Welshcakes- I think the ones that look for alternative explanations for 9/11 are very dangerous and downright nasty.
Ruthie- If they put their imagination to good use, there would be much better competition for the Booker prize.
Having said that, I do enjoy reading conspiracy lit, just for a good laugh. I enjoy critiquing it in my own mind.
Alexys- I think the real origins of the Freemasons is that at one time Master Masons DID hold a lot of 'secret' knowledge, more so than any other trade.
In the middle ages that made use of 'suspect' technological advances from Moorish Spain. Hence all the 'Al' words, Algebra, algorithm, alchemy, alcohol. All discoveries made in medieval Cordoba and Toledo. And hence suspectb in the Christian West.
Admission to the guild of 'Free' Masons, the highest group of builders and architects of the day meant possessing secret knowledge. It IS a lot older than people realise.
David- Both are true. It's not a conspiracy, because the blueprint for a federal Europe has been there for all to see since the Schuman plan. It has always been understood in Brussels that that is where we are going. It's not a secret.
Conspiracy theory is not the same as the fact that our governments lie to us. What distinguishes conspiracy theory from genuine cover ups, is that the lack of any dependable evidence, no players or few players who can be identified personally, and no believable whistle blowers and a general ability on the part of the alleged conspirators that at times is so superhuman, that we'd deserve to be enslaved by them.
That said, there as at least one very serious cover up indeed in this country's history in the last thirty years that is kept quiet in my opinion. It's not a conspiracy theory, because it originated in the intelligence community and there is a lot of evidence that shouts it to be true, if you put the pieces together.
I will be posting on it sometime next week.
If you can guess what it is, keep it to yourself!!
Istanbul Tory- Honoured to have such a respected visitor enjoy my post.
The Bilderburg Group is real, but not in my opinion sinister.
To me it is only natural that the movers and shakers of our modern world would like to meet in private, away from the media, tell eachother frankly what's really going on and discuss sensibly what to do.
I think Two very nasty Wars showed them why western Governments couldn't afford to only speak to eachother via diplomatic posturing.
I think the preponderance of conspiracy theory simply proves that people don't trust our leaders, because they can see that something wrong, they just can't work out why.
I enjoy conspiracy theories, even if I don't always go along with them.
Life would be a bit boring if there was not an element of conspiracy in political discourse.
Personally my favourite is Nessie, although I am not sure that is really a conspiracy theory.
What about the gunman on the grassy knoll?
That was very well written and very thought provoking. But since they are based in reality (even if that base is fragile indeed) how do you tell the difference between the mysterious truth and what is built upon it?
I have a theory that 'second life' is in fact real life and what we're all living is virtual.
More seriously how does anyone have time for a second life?
I have attended Bilderberg meetings in the past Mr Tory, and Mr Ingsoc is correct they are not at all sinister. Thats why we have them in secret....
It is perfectly reasonable for those of with a great deal at stake to tweak events a little now and then - thats why we had to get rid of Mrs Thatcher for instance...
Colin- Nessie. Hmmm. Far be it from me to say I have my doubts...
Phishez- Look at the origin of the allegations. For example, take the Kennedy assassination you bring up. When you sift through the speculations and theories, there are no documents, no statements from former CIa members in hiding, nithing that actually lends credence to the speculation.
Ockhams razor leads us to suppose the simplest answer; a lone gunman.
Richard- It's possible. I've not really got to grips with Second Life, as others here will confirm. Still, as long as I can move around Tom's Award Room next week, all is hunky dory.
Mutley- It is however exactly what you'd expect. It's not a conspiracy, merely those in power being secretive.
How do you know which theories are true and which aren't? You seem pretty confident that the Police are run by the Masons, but if that's true then surely it's with tacit agreement of government, and presumably by extension by both main parties. Which means that both main parties are run by the Masons?
Where is the line drawn?
I heard that one has to "apply" to join the Masons, the idea that people are approached is apparently very outdated. Perhaps you could shed some light on this?
I saw one theory about part of a design of the US dollar (not the eye in the triangle, this was more obscure) and the "freedom from care" ritual lots of presidents have done and a pattern in the gardens at the White House I think ... basically to me I do believe the similarities were deliberate but it is a JOKE ... a lot of these things are!!
Well that's my point of view!
How many bloggers are Freemasons I wonder?
Are you on the square C by I?
Ed- The Dublin Metropolitan Police prior to Irish freedom, contained the following clause in it's oath 'I will not be a member of any secret society, the freemasons excepted.'
The Masons were always regarded highly in the English speaking world, du to their defence of 'Protestant' values. The Police forces of the UK deemed them reliable as an organisation.
I know little of how to join, but since they're not very secret any more, I guess it means it's easier to approach them and there may well be many lodges that cannot take more members. These days I think it's more of a socialclub, from what I've seen. I used to work at a hotel years ago where several lodges had regular dinners.
Gledwood- It's alleged that the pyramid on the dollar bill is a masonic symbol, as the design was chosen By Alexander Hamilton, a prominent Mason.
He may well have chosen it for that reason, but if the US was secretly being set up as a Freemason run state, I doubt he'd have broadcast it that openly.
Jeremy- My faith and the Masons are traditionally hostile, so its one of those routes to wealth that is denied me.
Keep up the good work, Crushed.
The more you and other respected bloggers keep deriding the theory, the easier my job becomes.
Mutley: don't forget we have a meeting tomorrow night. Bring the lava lamp...
This post made me think because of the clarity applied. You seem to say that conspiracy theories are a grasp at something that people do not want to understand as, well, just life, yet people become not only obsessed by them but influenced by them. And all to the detriment of society.
Recently, E.Howard Hunt was said to have confessed to the reality of Kennedy's assassination, Watergate was exposed by people who had been in the same Fraternities as most of the major players and there are more than a few exposes of the reality of Vietnam.
Now, I could bore you at tedious length about any of them but aren't you also making a case for the practicality of conspiracy theories in that they are a useful way for the great unwashed (inc me) to theorise about what does go on and is occasionally proven right?
To put it another way, we are rightly suspicious of secretive societies because of their nature but that very nature makes us suspicious and it was that secrecy that inspired us to become theorists?
And eventually some things are proven and the rest are written by the victors....
p.s. to Ed, in my humble experience, I was invited to join soon after I had started a business but not before I was perceived to be making money..
Fingers- I'm sure if there was a conspiracy, you would be deep within...
Scotstory- There are many things that don't filter down to the populace till years later. Theories involving the Fifth Man for example, are valid because we know there was a fifth man. The forthcoming post is mentioned above to David anthony is an example of a well known theory which, due to its source, is quite sensible.
Theories involving control of mankind by Reptilian Aliens, Zionist Plots, Hidden Elites such as the Illuminati fall by the wayside in that the amount of time such theories have been around- or such conspiracies have existed- the circumstantial evidence remains non existant.
Until I made this gratuitous comment, the last 3 posts had all generated exactly 18 comments each.
There are no coincidences in life, my friends...
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