I'm not going to discuss the issue, because there is a consensus that it should not be discussed at this minute in time.
So I won't.
The results were;
Yes 18
No 9
This week, we're looking at social issues.

These days, less than half of us decide to tie the knot some day.
Some say the institution of marriage is in decline. David Cameron thinks we should strengthen it.
Others would say it is an archaic throwback from the days when women were treated as property, and that marriage has it's origin in the purchase by a man, of a women from her family.
Should we really cherish marriage?
Is it really a good thing that so many girls still aspire to a fairytale wedding?
Or does it still have relevance, as the deepest bond that two people in love can forge?
Have your say.
I think it is a sign that one has stopped looking for the one because they have found " the one".
It is a respectable sign of love and commitment and wanting the other person to be more than just another boyfriend/girlfriend.
I think it is more relevant now than it has been for the past 30 years. Now that gays and lesbians have been given equal rights it should return to be the cornerstone of a stable society.
ps// I see you've finally decided to post a picture of yourself ;)
Who's the lucky lady?
I think that it depends on the individual couple. Different strokes for different folks!
I am in favour of the moonie style mass weddings ... with like hundreds of brides it is possible one would be sane..
sorry about that post - quite funny thoough - I was married for 18 years till March...not pro the idea right now..
Well, if it's good enough for the couple in your photo, then how bad can it be? I see that she's pregnant and smoking, so she obviously makes good decisions.
I half suspect that marriage is like having children. Everyone who does it talks about how great it is, but it's just a trick. They just want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.
I'm an optimist at heart.
I like the concept of women as property.
Instead of a wedding ring I think I'll have my next wife branded with a large (F)...
I'm all for marriage - it's a great institution, a wodnerful tradition, and act of love and friendship, and good social protection.
Having that said, I'm pretty much sure I'll never get hitched.
Pro marriage - but it's not for everyone.
Freya- I think that's WHY a lot of people do it. But is it desirable in a wider social sense?
David- It's right that homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples on this certainly. But is it the cornerstone of a stable society? Why this pretence of bonding for life to one sexual partner, which flies in the face of reality in our society today?
After all, few weddings are truly white...
Handsome chap aren't I?
Jenny- Would it not be possible to go through a marriage ceremony, even if society had abolished the legal significance of it?
Mutley- Murderers get less. My sympathies.
Captain- It certainly seems to be something people do when the sex goes stale...
I think most people do not regret having children. I think it is probably one of the deepest yearnings we have. So is finding a soulmate, possibly.
But is marriage really what society expects as the price for that?
Fingers- I guessed you'd like the idea...
May I recommend Dubai? Or Saudi Arabia?
Heart- It's also a potential hell for many couples.
I'm sure it'll come when you're not looking.
No you may not.
I've been to Dubai.
The women are hairier than the camels...
but I don't regret having children as Captain S notes... hang on I am getting a bit serious here..
I don't really have respect for the institution of marriage. My father tends to make it a mockery without trying. A week after my parents split he was already with the person who would be his second wife. When they did get married he told me via text. I'm not sure if he's married his current partner or not. But thats a whole 'nother blog post there.
I do think having a wedding would be fun, if not expensive. I think I'd be happier putting that money to a honeymoon, travelling and visiting everybody who would have come to the event one by one.
Raising a well-mannered, polite and bright daughter is by far the best achievement of my life.
It's a shame I had to have sex with her dad though :)
Marriage? yes, I believe in marriage but I'd not commit easily. Kicking and screamin' probably :)
Never having been married, I don't know... I think it's sad that a lot of young girls get all gooey-eyed about the idea and can't see beyond the wedding day. A lot of married people whom I have envied have turned out not to have been happy at all and have split. I think there are many reasons why a couple stick together and it's not always for love. Here in Sicily it's not uncommon for a couple to be engaged for 10 years. Few would dream of living together and they wouldn't get married till they could afford a house. I can't quite get my head around that, myself. If you want to get married and it works for you, that's fine. But I don't like it when it's held up as the only way of living and I can do without the hypocrisy surrounding it.
btw, trailer park weddings are very sophisticated.
i feel everyone should just have promiscuous sex everywhere, but that's besides the point. marriage has lost much of its sanctity today due to impetuous weddings and fleeting divorces. marriage is the ultimate test of selflessness, where putting someone else before you is the basic principle... i think today's society finds it all too easy to say 'eff it'.
Fingers- I'll take your word for it...
Mutley- I think having children is the greatest thing any of us ever do.
Phishez- Many people spend over ten grand on their wedding day and honeymmon. Would that not be better spent on the children thet hope to have?
The TRUE celebration of their love?
Ms S- You don't have to be married or attaqched to be a good parent.
Welshcakes- I just think it's mostly a sham in this day and age. Most people have 'lived in sin' with several people before they marry anyway so the supposed values of marriage are completely devalued anyway.
Raffi- You sum up my opinions on the subject admirably. :)
Crushed, Oh I agree with you. I hope it didn't come across like a parent needs the other to raise a good child. That's certainly not my opinion.
To create a child, sure, but not to raise one.
Hmmm... this post is right on spot... was trying to decide if it were better to marry or not... I guess the pro (and con) of marriage is that it's not permanent (unless you wanna follow that whole 'in God's eyes, let no man put asunder' thing). On one hand, it's scary; you get just one chance (assuming you don't believe in divorce). On the other, if you don't get married, you feel a lack of security, in case the love of your life suddenly decided to walk out one day when you're an old woman (not to say he couldn't divorce you anyway, but that would be so much hassle compared to just walking out; thus might make him think twice). Ok, so that about sums up the idea of marriage for me; it's a sort of security that you'll have an unpaid companion in your old age, when you can't easily attract temporary partners anymore...
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