Monday 21 May 2007

A Leak I didn't get from Dolly Draper

For those of you who like a bit of gossip, here's a bit.

It concerns Our Dearly beloved Leaders.

One of whom apparently, is a bit of a Benny Hill writ large. (For the benefit of non-UK readers, I mean a sex pest).

Now you didn't hear it from me. I was told by a man named Guthrum that a man named Raedwald had told HIM, that he knew...

That it might NOT be Jack Straw.
I'm not saying it might.
I'm just saying it might not be Jack Straw.


Anonymous said...

Well it could not have been Brown- that guy looks like he needs a good fucking scrub!

Anonymous said...

Is he by any chance into Oral with Oona King? Thats not true either is it??

Anonymous said...

I know nothing

Anonymous said...

Australia's PM has a mistress. You didn't hear it from me. She must like insanely hairy eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

You are worse than a gossipy old woman Guthrum :)

Anonymous said...

Mutley, I can't quite work out wherher Oona King is sexy or not yet.
Guthrum, sorry for blabbing, but this goverbnment believe in freedom of information. Surely.
Phishez. Tell me more. Use the if you want.
Miss Uber. Me? Never!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love a bit of gossip! I'll be trying to work out who it is all night now....