Sunday 20 May 2007

A Night for Reflection

Last night I had a very interesting conversation which gave me cause for reflection on many issues.

Such conversations are rare.
Indeed they are one of the real pleasures in life.

The girl in question really made me reassess my life values and what I want out of my life and what my vision of the future is, or should be.

So I am thoughtful today, soaking in a long night of thought exchange, which I believe will lead to further enlightenment of my inner reasoning.

A night well spent.


Anonymous said...

She sosunds slike a nice girl but did you cyber fuck? I betcha did!
P.S I bet she's FAT!

Anonymous said...

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I have two " pssychic feelings actually(thanks for seeking my opinion)
1 You did!
2 She wasn't a GIRL!
* Just a feeling

Anonymous said...

Well as the phsychic, I guess you'd know best on both of those.
Tell me do you think No 2. is right?

Anonymous said...

HOw would I know what kind of people you talk to on the phone? Given your "swinging" boy friend though I think you are a capable of anything..........

Anonymous said...

Yes I guess you're right
She might have been a man.

Anonymous said...

The real burning question is: Are YOU a man?

Anonymous said...

No, but I'm hoping she doesn't find out.

Anonymous said...

So two fags getting off pretending to be the opposite sexes. Very fucking interesting!

Anonymous said...

Which one of you is " Butch"?

Anonymous said...

Well, I think most of the intelligent conversation came from the male side, whilst much of the feakier stuff was from the female side.

Anonymous said...

And you are the male or female side?It's hard to keep track with all this poncing about!

Anonymous said...

I'm the male if I'm the one who the female is about to ring.

Anonymous said...

Sunday morning is never a good time to re-assess life's values. Bacon & egg is a better idea.

Anonymous said...

It's always good to reflect. To be the one moved to reflect is a blessing; to be the one who's moving the other seems even more blessed... she must have been pretty special...:-)

Anonymous said...

I am missing something here judging by the comments! Anyway, looking forward to reading your conclusions on life and all the rest of it...

Anonymous said...

All kinds of strangeness can be unleashed when Zarathrustra speaks...

Anonymous said...

Not to be confused with the family space adventure... Zathura.

Anonymous said...

Ms S, I can't fault your choice in friends.
Things chilled out a bit for you again?

Anonymous said...

Was it Ms Smack?? She has this effect on me - so I have to pop out and buy a beetroot sandwich to restore my equanimity...